Consistency-based Algorithms



ca-cdr is a library for Consistency-based Algorithms for Conflict Detection and Resolution (CA-CDR).

Conflict Detection and Resolution is a substantial task in Knowledge Base Engineering (KBE). Intelligent mechanisms are urgently needed, especially in large-scale knowledge bases. This repository publishes our implementations for some/our consistency-based algorithms, which can be utilized in all three phases of KBE, i.e., design, testing and debugging, and configuration.


List of algorithms:

ca-cdr provides the following algorithms:

  1. QuickXPlain - [1]
  2. FastDiag - [2]
  3. MSS-based FastDiag - [15]
  4. FlexDiag - [3]
  5. HS-tree - [8]
  6. HSDAG - [9]
  7. DirectDebug - [4, 5, 6, 7]
  8. DirectDiag
  9. WipeOutR_T - [12, 13] COMING SOON
  10. WipeOutR_FM - [12, 13]
  11. AggregatedTest - [14] COMING SOON
  12. LevelWiseParallelHSDAG - [10, 11] COMING SOON
  13. FullParallelHSDAG - [10, 11] COMING SOON
  14. FastDiagP - [15] - Python implementation COMING SOON
  15. KBDiag [the related paper submitted on January 2023] COMING SOON
  16. InformedQX COMING SOON
  17. ParallelWipeOutR_T COMING SOON
  18. ParallelWipeOutR_FM COMING SOON


There are some test models in here and some examples showing how to use these algorithms in here.
